Plastic Free Lodging In Seward, Alaska

Resources for learning, inspiration and advocacy:
Throughout our time at Johnstone Bay, it has become deeply apparent to us the problem of single use plastic.
Despite the remote location and lack of human interference, plastic and styrofoam can be found lining the coastal forest. Which begs the question, if human garbage can be found in this remote location, where in the world can one go and not find it?
There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away, it must go somewhere. – Annie Leonard
For this reason, we are committed to restraining from the use of single use plastic at Johnstone Adventure Lodge whenever possible. Additionally, we conduct regular beach clean ups. We ask that guests join with us in refraining from bringing plastic garbage to Johnstone Bay. We also hope that the observation of its presence here might inspire others to rethink their consumption. We ask that our guests consider packing out their recylable garbage.